Spot My Skating Shoes!!

I can't believe its so tiring to create a blog!!Now my right hand is about to fall off!! OMG!
Half of the reason I feeling this may be caused by our activities today..
So I guess I can't blame too much on this blog..lolz..
Woke up at the earliest time -- 9am!!
It may not seem early but its over the exams!!
Lost my sleep for few days yet cannot reenergized back..for god's sake
Yaya..this is my routines for today:
9.00am - Wakup
10.25am - Got to Prangin Mall
10.55am - Missed shuttle bus and take Mialn Bus instead to Queensbay Mall
12.00pm - Got into the skating arena
2.20pm - Shop around Qbay Mall
9.49om - Got home, watch TV
11.25pm - Online till now..
Skating rocks!!
I really have to promote this "sport" coz its so much fun!!
Erm..yea..its undeniable that out of 6 of us.. 3 of us are first-timers..
That included me of course..
And the best part of skating can skate but its hard to stop!
Most of the time people in the arena just bumped against each other and fell off..
It may seemed funny but it hurts!
And yea..we did fell off..couple of times..and it hurts so much that I'm still feeling it until now!!
In the end ..everyone got really sweaty and tired..
Which what ~Aurora~ said..."Skating is a gooooood sport!"
Hahaha..Joce must be so damn jealous of us right now..bluek!!
Not to mention..
Something that we're not expecting today..(maybe)
S.H.E was in QB too!!
Well..maybe us 'Hobbits' didn't stand a chance to see them..
But at least I heard the 3 girls sweet voice(In speaking)!
Its my first time hang out in the mall for such long hours..
A total of 9 sure will be mad if she knew this..swt
Note: For those of you going to Queensbay Mall.. Dont be worry if you missed the shuttle bus..
There's still Rapid Penang 307 etc, Milan Bus 45 etc, on the route!
Haha,i'm the third person visit ur blog....quite nice also....very hardworking....
3rd person?
Who's the first and second?
Hahaha..thx 4 dat..if dats a compliment..
Erm..can i noe how u found out bout dis blog?
Anyone..told u?
hey,ur blog is nt bad lar....
wish 2 c more interesting things abt u in the future!!!!
Hey ya..
Paiseh ya i'm da 26th person visit ur blog but not da 1st person..
Anyway I noe more from u thru ur blog since u din tell mie bout that..
Cont dat habit oo..
~Aurora~ thx 4 viewing!!
Reli appreciate dat oo!!
Beng Hua dun be angry larr..
Almost 20 of the views are from me when i'm creating the blog..
Sorry ya..
But thx 4 viewing oo..muackz!
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