Pn.Tang & 4S1’s very sweat conversation on RECYCLING ISSUES:
Pn.T: Kelas, apakah cara untuk reuse kertas?
4S1: 折纸飞机!! (Fold paper aeroplanes!!)
Pn.T: Cara untuk mengurangkan penggunaan kertas?
4S1: 不用罚抄中楷名句在报纸上!! (Not having to do calligraphy correction on newspaper!!)
Pn.T: Apakah kegunaan toilet paper roll yang ditinggalkan?
4S1: 拿来做望远镜!! (Made into telescope!!)
Pn.T: Penggunaaan paper bags salah satu cara mengitar semula..
4S1: 只有Macro用纸袋,现在已经倒了!! (Macro’s the only 1 using paper bags yet they’ve bankrupt lorr..)
Pn.T: Di manakah tempat yang paling dekat anda boleh lihat tong sampah kitar semula yang berwarna jingga, biru dan kelabu?
4S1: Tak ada..可是我们有看到青色的!! (No..but we can see the green ones!!)
These are the green ones they meant..swt

during d bc period 1....
funnier leh.....
y din write it out...
especially d wei yun 1.....
Got meh??
Which one??
Maybe I'm sleeping havent heard dat..haha's funny...they're so creative...
Yalor..reli got me so energetic dat period..haha..
Luckily I noted all down.. XD
u slip during bc period a....
wei yun say all those funny cheng yu....
dat v hvnt heard b4 d.....
Wher got??
Reli no idea leh!!
Or izit when im caught talking wif joce??
what 'little happy' talking about?
how come I also didn't hear about it too?
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