Witnessing the happening of two trial/exam today, it makes me realize, time passed away real fast, just in a blink of an eye!
As my memory flashed back to 4 years back, when I was still taking my UPSR exam..
A year ago, as I was taking my trial exam for PMR at this time of the year..
It’s unbelievable that I’m going to graduate in less than 2 years time!!
By the end of next year, all our friends will go their separate ways, where decisions have to be made; which some will be in college, some in Form6, minority working..and so so..
It makes me wonder, will we still be each other’s best friends by then? Or will we be strangers after all?
Like what my mum always says, seeing me is like the copied version of sis 4 years back.
Is that really true of what she said? Will I really be like my sis now 4 years later?
Will I be as hardworking, as successful as her??
4 years..everything and anything can indeed happen in this short period of time..
In the mean time, I guess everybody should enjoy their youth! Nevertheless..its always fun to be a gina!!
As for the future, neither you nor I can predict what’s going to happen, but remember, that our future lies in our hand, so appreciate your chance to decide your own bright future!!
Sis and I are 4 years-young apart.
Can you tell the difference??

y nt?????
u hv d same gene wif her....
n i m sure u will as successful as her.....
by d way.....
ur sis really my idol oo....
Yaya..sure hopes she sees dis oo..
She's gonna happi till cqanod slp d..haha
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