quite useful laz tym....
i gt 2 different kind of d typrwriter at my house-manual n d electronic d...
since my mum was a typist laz tym....
i use 2 play it when i was a kid.....
bt my mum will get angry when she found out....
here r some typewriters i gt frm d net....
quite special i think.....

Donno how to say this, but somehow we're 心灵相通 in a way.
When Pn.Chan's talking about this, I sorta have this feeling that you'll be very interested in that topic cuz you've been telling me bout the typrewriter thing long ago lorr..
Den I came back home and saw this..as if I had a premonition pr smtg..
Haha!! 我对你的了解,还不够吗? XD!
u really noe me well....
bout d typewriter horh....
i really gt lots of funny n happy memories on it...
thx 4 understanding me so well...
if i did do any mistake...
plz 4gv me n remind me....
~*friends forever*~
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