This word came to life in front of my eyes.
This happened two days ago, when I saw an aged couple waiting to cross the road.
As it was the afterwork time, the road is pretty much filled with speeding cars.
I offered help to the old couple which was kindly turned down by the old man.
Moments later, the two of them strolled hand in hand crossing the road with some difficulty.
The husband felt the importance to protect his wife, even in his weak condition.
The incident had brought tears to my eyes, it did.
I've always envied the relationship of old couples that lasts for a lifetime.
Eventhough they were not given a chance to choose their partner, usually they ended up very much in love with each other till the edge of life.
The book I'm reading now, entitled The Gathering by Anne Enright, too, stressed on describing the love of her grandparents, that were still engaged in their world of love and care, at the age of 90s.
Nowadays the rate of divorce is so high that, someone once told me a total of 75% marriage will end up in seperation.
Being brought up in a divorced family, I have long forgotten what it felt like to see, trust and believe in eternity.
I may be exaggerating a lil bit too much, I may emphasize too much on eternal love. But,
Thank you God, for once again bringing back the feeling, the sense within the heart of a teenager that was lost for a long time.
Thank you God, for letting me witness such a heart warming scene, I truly do.
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