Monday, March 3, 2008

If I Were...

10 thing I'll be/do if I were an American:

1. Own a silver Mitsubishi Convertible or Volks Wagon Beetle by the age of 16.
2. Give my full support and vote for Obama in the grand election.
3. Go to a boarding school and opt for the calculus class.
4. Move to Beverly Hills once I reached 18 and start my Walk of Fame.
5. Buy a triple-storey mansion with a pool and jacuzi located in Miami.
6. Find out the existence of: Tree Hill town, Clothes over Bro's brand, Nip/Tuck Plastic Surgery, my fave characters in Heroes.
7. Have my fave selection I-phone, Backberry, PDA, Motorola cell etc.
8. Stop my attitude towards anti-PDA (Public-Display-of-Affection)
9. Partying throughout weekdays and enjoy S'mores BBQ in the weekends!
10. Show off my bikini top at the Malibu beach! (Censored ^^)


Anonymous said...

Malaysian cant do tat ma...???

Karwen Koay said...

Can ma? Prove to me.

Anonymous said...

y wan prove 2 u... if i can prove 2 u, wat u'll giv me leh??? :-p