Later when arrive at Hutan Lipur, the first respond from every one of us was, OMG!!! y should we come??? that place was really not as wonderful as we think, just, emm... a forest i think....
Whats happen next. just let the photo tell the story la....
I am nt really good in words, dont want embarass myslf here...
(P/s We was really hungry after went into the water. However, just realise that we didnt take any food there, so, we were forced to try the malay food there. The food there was really not delicious at all, i was eating a plate of totally scorched kuet teow, but somehow Phooi Mun said it was delicious since she like the taste. By the way, she ate the most that day.)

1 comment:
so hapi 2day~~
play till very syok
ya ho
din tek photo of food n de place v eat thing
so ke xi
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