Hubby Jesse's gonna release his brand new album in 20 May 08, with just a gap of 1 year since his previos album 'Righ Where You Want Me'. Here's a sneak peak of the album song, "Leavin"!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
到了看戏时,我说了这段话:10000BC 制作很庞大,可是不好笑!
家雯:AMY 啊!我刚才看到你一直都很不耐烦。因为你对这出戏有偏见,所以才觉得不好看。Come on,why cant u just enjoy it?最多我download jumper 给你。
对,本来我的确不想看10000BC的,我要看JUMPER,可是经过萍金、亿珍、慧卿的一致赞同,我也想看了。 我进戏院时,我还蛮喜欢10000BC的,OK!既然你说我有偏见,那就有偏见咯!结果整出戏都因为我的偏见而不好看了。我看戏不可能静静的,我一定有很多小动作,可能这就变成我的不耐烦了。结果我更不想说话!
答:因为心情不好,所以不要拍,因为征绘在时,有人可以跟我讲话!I just dont like to be abandoned!Not that i dont want to join u gals, in fact, i m nt able to join in。
到了看戏时,我说了这段话:10000BC 制作很庞大,可是不好笑!
家雯:AMY 啊!我刚才看到你一直都很不耐烦。因为你对这出戏有偏见,所以才觉得不好看。Come on,why cant u just enjoy it?最多我download jumper 给你。
对,本来我的确不想看10000BC的,我要看JUMPER,可是经过萍金、亿珍、慧卿的一致赞同,我也想看了。 我进戏院时,我还蛮喜欢10000BC的,OK!既然你说我有偏见,那就有偏见咯!结果整出戏都因为我的偏见而不好看了。我看戏不可能静静的,我一定有很多小动作,可能这就变成我的不耐烦了。结果我更不想说话!
答:因为心情不好,所以不要拍,因为征绘在时,有人可以跟我讲话!I just dont like to be abandoned!Not that i dont want to join u gals, in fact, i m nt able to join in。
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Thing doesn’t go right nearly,out of my expectation, just turn upside down…..
Thing doesn’t go right nearly,out of my expectation, just turn upside down…..
Friday, March 7, 2008
A trip to the salon
Today went for CLHS's edu fair with Shirlyn. We went there to have a look after a sudden decision, considering we live so far from there. Disappointed. The fair was much much smaller than what others described. And there's not really a lot of colleges, almost the same as CDK's (No offence). But the place was so crowded, *smirk*, with outsiders, CDK girls and a little too many of its students (Amy & Joce's friends).
After that went Prangin with her again, did our hair and buy some stuff.
Promoting Hair.Impression:
Temporary perm - $15
Hair cut+Wash - $10-$15
Hair cut (Fringe) - $5
Hair treatment+wash - $35(Free treatment solution)
*And both us did the last two options
Its bubbly!


She's the same too!

Finally..we're done!

Can you see us?!
After that went Prangin with her again, did our hair and buy some stuff.
Promoting Hair.Impression:
Temporary perm - $15
Hair cut+Wash - $10-$15
Hair cut (Fringe) - $5
Hair treatment+wash - $35(Free treatment solution)
*And both us did the last two options
Its bubbly!


She's the same too!

Finally..we're done!

Can you see us?!

Monday, March 3, 2008
If I Were...
10 thing I'll be/do if I were an American:
1. Own a silver Mitsubishi Convertible or Volks Wagon Beetle by the age of 16.
2. Give my full support and vote for Obama in the grand election.
3. Go to a boarding school and opt for the calculus class.
4. Move to Beverly Hills once I reached 18 and start my Walk of Fame.
5. Buy a triple-storey mansion with a pool and jacuzi located in Miami.
6. Find out the existence of: Tree Hill town, Clothes over Bro's brand, Nip/Tuck Plastic Surgery, my fave characters in Heroes.
7. Have my fave selection I-phone, Backberry, PDA, Motorola cell etc.
8. Stop my attitude towards anti-PDA (Public-Display-of-Affection)
9. Partying throughout weekdays and enjoy S'mores BBQ in the weekends!
10. Show off my bikini top at the Malibu beach! (Censored ^^)
1. Own a silver Mitsubishi Convertible or Volks Wagon Beetle by the age of 16.
2. Give my full support and vote for Obama in the grand election.
3. Go to a boarding school and opt for the calculus class.
4. Move to Beverly Hills once I reached 18 and start my Walk of Fame.
5. Buy a triple-storey mansion with a pool and jacuzi located in Miami.
6. Find out the existence of: Tree Hill town, Clothes over Bro's brand, Nip/Tuck Plastic Surgery, my fave characters in Heroes.
7. Have my fave selection I-phone, Backberry, PDA, Motorola cell etc.
8. Stop my attitude towards anti-PDA (Public-Display-of-Affection)
9. Partying throughout weekdays and enjoy S'mores BBQ in the weekends!
10. Show off my bikini top at the Malibu beach! (Censored ^^)
Saturday, March 1, 2008
M not equals to W
God has created us human beings, each with their own intelligence. Perhaps,a lil' bit too much for one person. It's not really a fair deal, you know? Sometimes, we tend to forget that, the world is not only made up of one person, indeed it is a society, a place filled with people's unity. A human being should understand that, instead of just a 'ME' word, there is a 'WE' too. Has anyone realised that the 'M' is just an inverse of the word 'W'? By just inversely placed the alphabet, it can actually be changing the whole meaning of it. Hard to believe small act brings lotsa differences huh? And yes, by realising this, shouldn't we keep to ourselves that we should be unite, believe and trust in the word 'WE'? And in order to achieve that, isn't it approprite for us to learn on how to tolerate, accept, cooperate and so on? And not just applying only the word 'ME' in life and hope on others to surrender to just you huh? Maybe, today, as you read through, you will be saying that I'm making this a big deal, and denying that you're such a person. Someday, someday, you will know, and be grateful of what we did, for you.
A lil' note from me:
My parents named me and my sister, me as Karwen, my sis as Karming. In which our initials are spelled as 'KW' and 'KM', the inversed word 'M' and 'W', I guess, they're hoping us sisters to be united too?
A lil' note from me:
My parents named me and my sister, me as Karwen, my sis as Karming. In which our initials are spelled as 'KW' and 'KM', the inversed word 'M' and 'W', I guess, they're hoping us sisters to be united too?
A Lovely Morning
Arrive at the school early in the morning since i was told by jin ling that i need to arrive there by 7.30 am. While waiting, jin ling, debbie and geraldine take photo at the primary school. Finally, the bus depart at 8.00 am, pity me that i waste my sleeping time ad, sobx sobx...
Later when arrive at Hutan Lipur, the first respond from every one of us was, OMG!!! y should we come??? that place was really not as wonderful as we think, just, emm... a forest i think....
Whats happen next. just let the photo tell the story la....
I am nt really good in words, dont want embarass myslf here...
(P/s We was really hungry after went into the water. However, just realise that we didnt take any food there, so, we were forced to try the malay food there. The food there was really not delicious at all, i was eating a plate of totally scorched kuet teow, but somehow Phooi Mun said it was delicious since she like the taste. By the way, she ate the most that day.)

Later when arrive at Hutan Lipur, the first respond from every one of us was, OMG!!! y should we come??? that place was really not as wonderful as we think, just, emm... a forest i think....
Whats happen next. just let the photo tell the story la....
I am nt really good in words, dont want embarass myslf here...
(P/s We was really hungry after went into the water. However, just realise that we didnt take any food there, so, we were forced to try the malay food there. The food there was really not delicious at all, i was eating a plate of totally scorched kuet teow, but somehow Phooi Mun said it was delicious since she like the taste. By the way, she ate the most that day.)

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